Lighting and Mood Match from Coco

Upon seeing the Grandma Prisha asset from the Academy of Animated Art, I immediately thought of Grandma Coco from Pixar’s Coco. So, I decided to recreate a scene from Coco using the asset provided by the Academy. The character was created by Sara Tarr. The final result can be seen above.

I went with this scene from Coco because I thought it was beautiful-I absolutely loved the pink, warm color scheme! I did my best to match the assets in my scene as close as I could to the scene from the movie. I got the grandma, door, and flower assets from the Academy of Animated Art, and the table, candle, vase, and chair models from CGTrader. I modeled the cross, walls, and floor myself.

I lit this scene in Maya, and rendered it in Arnold. I composited it in Nuke.