This was the shot that I lit for John Aaron Lohrey's senior film, Rocketman. It was lit in Maya 2018 with Arnold. I am only responsible for the lighting.
Below is a screenshot showcasing the position of the lights in Maya:
I included 2 lights outside of the cockpit as fill lights. The other 3 lights are inside the cockpit, and animated to blink on and off, to give the impression of an alarm going off. 2 of the lights inside the cockpit are blue, which provides a stark contrast to the red color of the alarm lights, and are therefore the best color choice for signifying moments when the alarm is not lit up. The other point light inside the cockpit is red, while the point light outside is a red-orange. The one inside the cock pit is a more intense light, while the red-orange point light outside the cockpit is less intense, and also adds extra red to the scene, but not too much, as the director wanted.